Transportable buildings for Marae & Kainga Whenua
Marae Buildings
Many kura, kohanga and marae in New Zealand have chosen our transportable homes and transportable buildings. Location is not a problem – we have delivered transportable buildings to marae right around the country even on a barge to a remote island.
Kainga Whenua Homes
Our transportable homes meet all the building criteria for the Kainga Whenua loan and we can guide you through the process from beginning to end.
We have a range of transportable home designs for you to choose from.
We can also supply you with a budget and building plan for the transportable home. The budget and plan are both necessary steps in the Kainga Whenua loan process.
You must also obtain all the council consents you need to comply with local bylaws. Again, we can take care of this for you.
If desired, we can also manage important extras such as drainage, driveways and even getting your power and other services on, to you save time and hassle.
We are a family owned and operated and have been building affordable, top-quality transportable homes for 20 years.
Contact us or come and see us today – we’re happy to answer any questions you have.